Choosing Crystals



Choosing crystals is a very personal process and is best done using intuition and intention. Think about what you would like your crystal to assist with and how you would like to use it. If you have a budget then check out or price categories on the shop search page. Below is a handy guide to the different forms of crystals, their symbolism and some usage examples.

SPHERE: Wholeness completion. Usage: Gazing into (crystal ball), ornamental, holding during meditation
EGG: Birth, creation, fertility. Usage: Ornamental, manifestation tool
CLUSTER: Teamwork, family. Usage: In house to raise vibration and encourage peacefulness, raising vibration
OBELISK/TOWER: Linking physical with spiritual. Usage: To strengthen energy in healing rooms.
WAND/POINT: Directs energy through the point. Usage: In healing work, to spin Chakras.
PYRAMID: Amplifies energy, manifests. Usage: In healing grids/during meditation.
HEART: Love, relationships. Usage: Gifts, heart healing work
ANGEL: Connecting with angelic realm. Usage: Carry for protection, use in healing.
ANIMAL: Connecting with animal kingdom. Usage: Hold to connect with totem animal.
PALMSTONE: Soothing and calming. Usage: Hold during meditation, place under pillow.
TUMBLESTONE: Smooth, focused energy of particular crystals. Usage: Hold, wear or place under pillow.
RAW CRYSTAL: Connection with Mother Earth. Usage: Place in room, gaze up and connect with to ground and link with nature.

Here is a list of examples of crystals that can be used for different areas of healing. There are many other crystals not listed here but it is a starting point if you are struggling to figure out where to start.

Rose Quartz: Love, compassion, self-love, emotional healing
Amethyst: Stress relief, calming, intuition, spiritual awareness
Moonstone: Emotional balance, intuition, feminine energy
Kunzite: Emotional healing, empathy, unconditional love
Green Aventurine: Positive energy, emotional stability, calming 

Citrine: Prosperity, abundance, creativity, motivation
Tiger's Eye: Confidence, willpower, grounding, manifestation
Pyrite: Wealth attraction, protection, positive energy
Aventurine (Green): Opportunity, luck, financial success
Carnelian: Vitality, passion, courage, creativity 

Black Tourmaline: Negativity protection, grounding, shielding
Obsidian: Psychic protection, grounding, emotional release
Hematite: Stability, focus, grounding, energy protection
Smokey Quartz: Negative energy absorption, grounding, stability
Jasper (Red or Brown): Stability, courage, grounding 

Clear Quartz: Amplification, clarity, focus, healing
Fluorite: Concentration, mental clarity, decision making
Celestite: Higher awareness, peace, spiritual connection
Lapis Lazuli: Communication, self-expression, inner wisdom
Amazonite: Calmness, inner peace, emotional balance 

Amethyst: Intuition, spiritual awareness, higher consciousness
Selenite: Spiritual clarity, purification, positive energy
Angelite: Communication with angels, spiritual guidance
Labradorite: Intuition, inner vision, spiritual protection
Kyanite: Alignment, truth, communication, spiritual balance 

Crystals can be ideal gifts for friends and loved ones, for example:
BIRTHDAYS e.g. birthstone crystals, jewellery, ornamental
CHRISTMAS: e.g. gift boxes/packs, ornamental pieces
WEDDINGS/ANNIVERSARIES: e.g. hearts, angels
FOR HEALERS: Check out our healers' boxes and packs
FOR CHILDREN: Fossils, bracelets, keyrings etc.

If you need some advice about which crystals to pick then please get in touch or book a visit to the shop where Marie can advise you and talk through the options.

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