Psychic Art Portraits

 I first felt inspired to sketch the likeness of someone from the spirit world during a meditation 8 years ago. As I journeyed into a great marble hall, I was led by a beautiful but stern, dark-haired lady wearing a flowing purple gown. The lady, who I later identified as a gatekeeper guide, reappeared in slightly different guises in several other pictures in the following years (see below). As time went on, I also began channelling for other people to help them connect with the wisdom of their guides and helpers.


Spirit guides have an important role in all aspects of life, offering a wiser and wider perspective than we may recognise ourselves within the limitations of our earthly consciousness. Their experience of life on earth combined with spiritual wisdom makes them ideal communicators between the two worlds, not to mention trusty friends in those lonely times, if we can only recognise and acknowledge their presence.

 I am often aware of guides working with healers and mediums – the room can become quite busy with extra pairs of hands and peaceful onlookers helping to maintain the energetic vibrations. One of my favourite pictures is of an angelic guide who assists me in my healing work and originally came through in 2008 in delicate pencil with a background of pale green and the name Nathaniel.

I feel very blessed in being able to use the gift of psychic art to capture these beautiful evolved beings on paper, creating a visual keep-sake and reminder of their presence and energy.

Gazing upon a spirit portrait is an excellent way of linking in to the energy of a guide, getting to know them and how they work with you – the psychic artist starts the process and it is then down to the recipient to continue connecting with the painting to help deepen the relationship. 

Working in colour can portray the vibrant energies of the spirit world more vividly. This image of an Egyptian guide expresses the awakening of creative powers with a focus on the Sacral chakra, centre of creativity and relationships, through the colour orange. The yellow spiral symbolises birth, rebirth and energy flowing through the right side of the brain for intuition and artistic creativity. Linking in with the powerful vibrations of the Egyptian Gods can help us access sacred wisdom and buried truths, connecting us with our ancestral and past-life memories to gain greater soul insight.