Distant Reiki Remote Healing Session
Distant Reiki Remote Healing Session
I have been an Energy Healer and Reiki Master for over 15 years and a Reiki Teacher for more than 10. I am offering distant Reiki sessions to help you to rebalance your energy centres, auric field and physical body. There are various lengths of treatment available plus you can also book a block of sessions (beneficial). Treatments will be arranged within 5 days of booking where possible.
The session will include: Body scan, chakra balance, attachment removal if needed, grounding, aura cleansing, higher connection strengthening etc. I also include a brief write-up of my findings.
I work intuitively and have strong psychic and remote viewing abilities, although the main factor with distance Reiki is simply intention and the healing goes wherever it is needed. You may be aware of what I'm doing or simply feel a sense of relaxation and peacefulness.
Reiki can be used to help alleviate suffering and restore balance, whether the imbalances are predominantly: Physical, Emotional, Mental or Spiritual. It can help with emotional blockages, karmic tensions and help to elevate mood. It works on all levels from the physical to the spiritual and everything in-between. I work with and am qualified with the original Usui Reiki method. If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch.
I will get in touch after payment so we can arrange a time when you can relax, preferably when at home. You can also order sessions for someone else that you know (with their permission) but I will need to get in touch with them separately to arrange a suitable time as I prefer to work when the recipient is in a receptive state and focused on the healing process.
Disclaimer: I am unable to make any guaranteed claims as to the effectiveness of distant reiki and can only make suggestions about what you may experience. I am also unable to offer any medical or health advice. Energy healing systems are not a substitute for medical care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating any medical illness. Over 18s only please.